Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Back to Life, Back to Reality

Well, my kids are officially going back to school in just under 2 hours.  The older they've gotten, the more I enjoy having them home in the summer and on breaks.  I'll actually miss them and the lazy days we've been having :)

The holidays are over, the parties are over, break from school and nightly activities is over, eating everything in sight is over.  Now what?

Now we settle back in to normal and just keep going!

And you get bonus points if you are now singing the song I referenced in the title!


  1. I AM singing it - 1993, right? Love your blog! Back to reality seems like a good thing about now - some structure never hurts. My kids went back yesterday and we've already settled a bit into the evening routine that is NOT the holiday 'party party party.' I'm grateful for that. Hope you have a great day!!



    1. Thanks, I love your blog too. I think your story is important. Not sure of the year but it was a LONG time ago. Hope you are having a great day as well!

  2. I don't have kids. But I am back to work. Thus I am back to reality. :)

  3. I am so glad you are enjoying your kids! I am SO glad all the chocolate is out of the house!!

  4. We still have 3 more weeks of school holidays and then my eldest starts his first day of school. I can't wait to get back into a normal routine. Yes I remember that song! :)

    1. Ahhh...first day of school. How exciting. That will be a big change for all of you!
